Snacks Recipes

Proudly SA Trail Mix

The reason why some part of a fresh ingredient might sometimes be thrown away is because you do not always know whether it can be used, and how. If it happens that a potato needs to be peeled, make sure to keep the yummy skins. These can be whipped up into a fun, crispy and hearty snack. This snack is filled with dietary fibre, unsaturated fats and complete protein. 

Nutrition Information


162 kcal


4.7 g


22.9 g


2.3 g


22.8 g


4.9 g
Serves: 8 servings
Portion size: ½ cup
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes

Cutting board


Mixing bowl

Measuring cup


Serving dish


5 potatoes (peeled thinly and using the skins)

4 tbsp Liviana™ CBD-Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Salt and pepper

¼ cup thinly sliced biltong

1 tbsp sunflower seeds

¼ cup almonds

1 tbsp flaxseeds

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 tsbp sesame seeds

4 peppadews, thinly sliced

5 sprigs fresh chives


  1. Place the potato skins in a mixing bowl. Add the Liviana™ CBD-Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper. Combine thoroughly.

  2. Place the potato skins in an airfryer at 110°C for 35 minutes (oven 130°C for 40 minutes), until golden and crispy.

  3. Place the potato skins onto a serving plate. Place the rest of the ingredients on top of the potato skins. Garnish with peppadews and chives.

  4. Serve as a snack while watching your favourite sport with friends.

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Picture of Wilna Eksteen

Wilna Eksteen

Registered Dietitian

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Artificial Intelligence & Personalised Nutrition

M2Biome will be bringing machine learning to develop personalised nutrition plans for individuals to achieve optimal health.