Lunch Recipes

Butternut Soup

The best part of chilly weather is the comforting food that goes along with it. Make sure to snuggle up with the healthiest options to give your body the ultimate fuel to fight off colds and flu. With Liviana Alfafa Blossom Honey and Extra Virgin Olive added to the butternut soup you can enjoy a nutrient packed bowl of goodness. 

Nutrition Information


127 kcal


1.8 g


25 g


9.4 g


3.6 g


4.1 g

Serves: 4
Portion size: 2 cups
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes

2 large pots

Cutting board


Vegetable peeler

Sheet pan

Stick blender

Frying pan

Measuring cup

Measuring spoon


1 medium whole Butternut squash, peeled

3 carrots, diced

3 cups water

½ tsp ground tumeric

½ tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp ground Coriander

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

1 tbsp Liviana Alfafa Blossom Honey

1 tbsp Liviana Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  1. Peel the butternut with a vegetable peeler.

  2. Use the vegetable peeler to cut ribbons from the butternut. You will need approximately 15 ribbons for garnish.

  3. Place the butternut strips into a 100°C oven for 25 minutes, until golden and crispy.

  4. Cut the butternut in half and remove the seeds. Set aside.

  5. Dice the butternut into cubes and place in a large pot. Add the carrot, water, tumeric, cinnamon, coriander, salt and pepper to the pot as well.

  6. Bring to a boil over a high heat. Turn down to a simmer for 20 minutes until butternut is cooked and soft.

  7. Add the pumpkin seeds to a frying pan over a medium heat and fry until crispy and golden for 3-5 minutes. Make sure to stir continuously.

  8. Blend the butternut with a stick blender until smooth.

  9. Finish of with Liviana Alfafa Blossom Honey, a drizzle of Liviana Extra Virgin Olive Oil, roasted pumpkin seeds and Butternut ribbons.

  10. Serve as the perfect comfort meal on a cloudy or chilly day.


The recipes provided on this website are intended to be used by healthy individuals who will still use some discretion when it comes to their personal needs and requirements. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we provide is accurate, we cannot guarantee that it is free from errors or omissions. It is the responsibility of the reader to check the ingredients and ensure that they are suitable for their specific dietary requirements. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you are unsure of any allergies, sensitivities, or intolerances. Additionally, while we provide suggestions for ingredient substitutions, it is up to the reader to determine whether these substitutions are appropriate for their specific dietary needs.

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Picture of Wilna Eksteen

Wilna Eksteen

Registered Dietitian

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