Dinner Recipes

Bone Broth Ramen Bowl

Bone broth is a highly nutritious stock that can be made by simmering beef, chicken, lamb, game or fish bones. It contains many vitamins and minerals, amino acids and is low in energy. Bone broth has become very trendy the last few months because of its multiple health benefits. Lets convince you to make bone broth weekly! Keep it stocked in you freezer for easy access to this nutrient dense liquid gold.

Nutrition Information


302 kcal


18.8 g


43.7 g


13.9 g


6.2 g


5.1 g

20230924_194412 (1)
Serves: 2
Portion size: Half of all the ingredients
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 90 minutes

Pressure cooker (optional)

Cutting board


Measuring cup and spoon

Large pan

Small pot

Serving bowls


Bone Broth

1 kg beef bones

1 bulb fresh garlic, halved

1 onion, quatered

4 celery stalks, roughly chopped

5 sprigs of fresh thyme

2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tsbp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tbsp cumin, ground

1 tbsp coriander, ground

1 litre of water

Ramen bowl

1 tbsp bone broth fat

1 cup white button mushroom, thinly sliced

½ onion, thinly sliced

½ stalk lemon grass

3 cloves fresh garlic

1 tbsp soy sauce

2 tsp Liviana™ CBD-Infused Honey

½ red fresh chilli (optional)

2 eggs

1 cup rice vermicelli noodles

2 small carrots, julienne (0.5 x 0.5 cm)

¼ cup red pepper, julienne (0.5 x 0.5 cm)

¼ cup sugar snap peas, julienne (0.5 x 0.5 cm)

¼ cup red cabbage


  1. Add the ingredients for the bone broth into a pressure cooker and cook for 50 minutes on high. Make sure to cover all of the ingredients with water. This can also be cooked on a stove top on a low heat for 10 hours.

  2. Strain the broth through a sieve, let it cool, and place into the fridge overnight for the fat to seperate.

  3. Use 1 tablespoon of the fat that will form a layer on top of the broth to cook the mushroom and onions. Discard the rest of the fat. Cook over a hight heat until the mushrooms and onions are golden.

  4. Add the bone broth to the mushrooms and onions. Add the lemon grass, garlic, soy sauce, and Liviana™ CBD-Infused Honey to the broth and let simmer over a low heat for 10 - 15 minutes.

  5. Cook the eggs by putting them in cold water in a small pot. Turn the stove on high until the water starts boiling. Turn the heat down to a simmer. Start timing the eggs once the water starts to boil. The perfect soft egg takes 7 minutes from when the water starts to boil.

  6. Remove the eggs from the boiling water and place into ice cold water to stop the cooking process. Peel the eggs and gently slice in half.

  7. Taste the broth and season accordingly.

  8. Cook the rice vermicelli noodles for 3-5 minutes in boiling water.

  9. Place the noodles in the bottom of a bowl. Pour the broth over the noodles. Top with the fresh vegetables and soft boiled egg. Enjoy!

The recipes provided on this website are intended to be used by healthy individuals who will still use some discretion when it comes to their personal needs and requirements. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we provide is accurate, we cannot guarantee that it is free from errors or omissions. It is the responsibility of the reader to check the ingredients and ensure that they are suitable for their specific dietary requirements. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you are unsure of any allergies, sensitivities, or intolerances. Additionally, while we provide suggestions for ingredient substitutions, it is up to the reader to determine whether these substitutions are appropriate for their specific dietary needs.

Spread the health, every byte counts
Picture of Wilna Eksteen

Wilna Eksteen

Registered Dietitian

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