Many countries around the world derive a significant portion of their total GDP solely from coffee production and export.

We’ve had a look at some of the countries that are regarded as some of the leading coffee producers and deliver top quality coffee beans year after yea.

Before we take a look at the list, it is important to know what can play a role in forming ideal conditions for the cultivation of coffee.

What does it take to produce world-class coffee?

Coffee beans flourish under rainfalls of at least 100 centimeters a year. The average temperature required for optimal growth is between 20°C to 27°C. Coffee is also often grown near tall banana trees, as direct sunlight is harmful to the beans.

Geography and Climate

Broadly, there are two types of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is generally considered to be the better of the two beans with a lighter and sweeter taste. Arabica beans also have almost half the caffeine present in Robusta beans.

The type of coffee

There are generally two types of harvesting methods for coffee beans: strip picking, and selective picking. Strip picking entails stripping the trees of all coffee beans, ripe or unripe. This method is popular for Robusta beans.

Selective picking entails going through the coffee trees (yes, coffee plants can grow into a smaller tree, but are mostly grown as bushes - the technical term is ‘shrubs’) multiple times over a period of several weeks only to harvest the ripe beans. This method is more expensive as there is manual labor involved and is mostly used for Arabica beans.

The Harvesting Process

Here are four countries known for producing top-quality beans.

1. Colombia

Colombia’s tropical climate, high rainfall, and mountainous landscape provide among some of the best conditions for growing coffee. It is because of this that Colombia produces some of the finest coffees in the world. It is also one of the few countries that produce 100% arabica beans. This coffee is best known for its mellow acidity and its rich, caramel sweetness with nutty undertones.

2. Ethiopia

Optimal temperatures and rainfall help Ethiopia maintain its rank as one of the best coffee-producing countries in the world. Ethiopia has such lush vegetation, that the coffee farmers do not have to plant other trees to keep the coffee beans in shade.

Ethiopian coffee is known for its light to medium body, low acidity, and fruity notes. This country also produces Arabica beans.

3. kenya

Kenya grows its beans at a higher elevation, giving them more time to develop their flavors and absorb more nutrients. The temperatures in Kenya never rise above the average summer temperature in Europe and never below the average spring temperature in Europe, making Kenya an ideal country for growing coffee.

Kenyan coffee is renowned for its bold acidic taste and berry undertones. Some might recognize the berry undertones as black current, and that’s exactly what gives this coffee a unique and instantly recognizable taste.


For a century, Brazil has maintained its status as the world's foremost coffee-producing nation. Despite the absence of shade, a potential concern for bean quality, skilled coffee farmers carefully oversee the ripening process, resulting in accelerated maturation. The extensive sun exposure facilitates multiple harvests annually, surpassing those of many other coffee-producing nations.

Brazil is one of the few countries that produce Robusta beans, and use the strip picking method through the use of tractors for the harvesting process. Low altitudes also make it easier for farmers to harvest the coffee beans, with the only downside being that both ripe and unripe beans are harvested together

Brazilian coffee beans have lower acidity and have flavors of chocolate, caramel, and hazelnut.

Fun Fact

Did you know that the earliest recorded account of coffee's discovery traces back to Ethiopia? In approximately 850A.D., a goatherder observed his goats becoming notably energised and sleepless after consuming red berries from a nearby bush. Intrigued, he sampled the berries himself and experiences similar effects. Sharing his discovery with monks at a nearby monastery, they began using the berries to stay awake for night prayers. This revelation eventually spread from the monastery to the wider civilised world.